Saturday, 27 July 2024

Internal Heart

Features necessary to perform stress echo

At least 4 hours before the fasting stress echo.

Refer to hygiene, bathing days before arrival.

1 to provide juice for consumption after the completion of stress echo.
Prapronol drugs (Inderal), atenolol, isosorbide, Nytrvkantyn (Svstak), verapamil and Mtvral ,Dyltyazym your doctor's supervision 24
Cut to 48 hours before arrival.

If you have a history of high blood pressure, be sure to replace medications with your doctor.
All your medical records such as thallium scan, angiography, ECG, exercise stress test, echo, etc. with you.
Patients should have.

If for any reason for which is not possible in the time required for you to call the number 88644555 and far know.
Before the echo:

Please check with your doctor if you have drugs, you can echo the days of your medications or not you choose? Told you that
Remove or buttons open your shirt and lie on the bed. If you feel uncomfortable during Echo sure to
Inform your physician. If you are interested, you can ask about your heart condition.

During Echo:

Special gel rubbed on the chest you that the gel used on the skin, helps to transmit sound waves. By waves
A stylus (ADC) for being guided to the heart.

The doctor moves the pen to your chest and gently push it to see different parts of the heart. During Echo
Be sure you periodically returned to the left side or hold your breath, the entire procedure takes about 45 minutes. After work
gel that on your chest is must be rubbed.

This method of imaging the heart of the building with circulation or heart valves shows. Your doctor photos to
Heart muscle, valves and heart structure and function observed, analyzed and relatives talk about the details with you or not.

After Echo:

Echo is an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home after the echo. After the Echo require special care and can
Resume your daily activities. If you are admitted after completing your return echo can with the help of the personnel.

Preparations necessary to echo at least 6 hours before the echo Mary fasting.

Refer to hygiene, bathing days before arrival.

All your medical records such as thallium scan, angiography, ECG, exercise stress test, echo, etc. with you.

If you have dentures be removed before testing.

If you use blood-thinning drugs such as heparin, warfarin, talk to your doctor if you need to do pilot testing
The patient is checked. PTPTT

Be sure to two hours after fasting patients with esophageal echo the warm and lukewarm liquid diet started and after that meal.

A disposable gown is required.

Patients should have be prepared for exercise.

Medications as directed by your doctor interrupted regarding:
72 hours ago discontinued: Atenolol

48 hours ago discontinued: Verapamil, amlodipine, propranolol, Motral, isosorbide, Nitrocandontin (Soustock)
Use the link above. If you have pain TNG sublingual tablets

If you have high blood pressure history of alternative medicine with your doctor.

Medical records, including the results of angiography, echo, etc. Bring your own.

Shaved chest and abdomen (for men) and before you take a bath.

Preferably have the patients having a clean sports shoes and slacks are required.

If for any reason for which is not possible in the time required for your number, please contact 8116558 and far know.

Before exercise:

The night before the test, eat a heavy meal turned on.

The night before the test, get enough rest.

Do not use tobacco and drugs.

Continuation or discontinuation of supplies you with your doctor.

Men's hair should be shaved chest.

Use the bra tightly in women is required.

Wear comfortable shoes and clothes you need to be open forward.

During exercise:

You may have some physical or medical conditions will not be running

Technicians monitor your blood pressure and pulse, then you connect the electrodes to the chest and abdomen and blood pressure cuff on
Your arm close to your ECG and blood pressure during exercise testing can be.

After a slow way to go on the treadmill, you will be asked to increase your walking speed and heart rate increase.

Risks and complications:

This method is very safe but in rare cases the test may be uncomfortable or shortly thereafter. Be sure these symptoms
Notify your doctor know when it occurs.

During the test you may experience fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, arm pain, dizziness, palpitation, hypotension and pain
Then be sure to notify the legs, because you may need to cut the stress test and the test may be monitored by a doctor
They need help urgently done.

Care after exercise:

The exercise test is an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home after the exercise test.

After testing is required rest, then you can resume your daily activities.

After a hot bath waive testing, such as a drop in blood pressure.