Sunday, 19 January 2025

Bill of Rights of Inpatients

  • Patient Bill of Rights
  • 1. Get good health care to the patient.
  • 2. Information must be appropriately and adequately for the patients.
  • 3. The patient's right to choose and decide freely receive health services should be respected.
  • 4. Health services must be based on respect for patient privacy (right to privacy) and the principle of privacy.
  • 5. Complaints efficient access to the right patient.
  • ________________________________________
  • 1. Receive appropriate health services to the patient.
  • • worthy of human dignity and with respect for the values, cultural and religious beliefs are;
  • • On the basis of honesty, fairness, courtesy and kindness with;
  • • discrimination of any kind, including ethnic, cultural, religious, gender and disease;
  • • is based on knowledge;
  • • based on the primacy of the interests of the disease.
  • • the distribution of health resources and priorities treatment is based on justice;
  • • coordination based on the pillars of care ranging from prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation;
  • • Along with providing all basic and necessary amenities and away from imposing suffering and unnecessary restrictions;
  • • particular attention to the rights of vulnerable groups of society, including children, pregnant women, the elderly, the mentally ill, prisoners, mentally and physically disabled people have unsupervised;
  • • in the fastest possible time and be patient with respect to time;
  • • taking into account factors such as language, age and gender are recipients of services;
  • • urgent care (EMS), regardless of funding made it. In the case of non-urgent (elective) based on defined criteria;
  • • urgent care (emergency), if it is not possible to provide appropriate services, it is necessary to provide essential services after the necessary explanations, patient transfer unit to be provided;
  • • At the end of the patient's condition is irreversible and death is imminent to keep the comfort he offered. In order to alleviate the suffering of the patient's comfort, attention to the needs of psychological, social, spiritual and emotional agony he and his family is at the time. Patients are dying right in the last moments of their lives with someone who wants to be mobile.
  • Dying of incurable and irreversible condition that is imminent demise is inevitable.
  • 2. Information must be appropriately and adequately for the patients.
  • 1-2) content should include the following information:
  • • patients' rights legislation at the time of admission;
  • • Customer and predictable costs, including medical and non-medical hospital and insurance regulations and the introduction of support systems at the time of admission;
  • • Name, rank, professional liability and medical staff responsible for providing care including physicians, nurses, students and professional relationship with each other;
  • • diagnostic and treatment methods and strengths and weaknesses of each method and possible complications, diagnosis, prognosis and complications as well as all information affecting patients' decision making process;
  • • How to access medical doctor and member of the group during treatment;
  • • All measures of their nature.
  • • Provide necessary training to continue treatment;
  • 2-2) presentation of information shall be as follows:
  • 1. Information should be timely and appropriate to the patient's condition, including anxiety and pain and his personal characteristics such as language, education and can be understood in his possession, unless:
  • • - delay in treatment by offering above information is damage to the patient (in this case the transfer of the necessary information, at the right time to be done first.)
  • • - the patient is informed of the right to receive information spite of this refusal, which in this case must be respected the will of the patient, unless the patient's lack of information, he or put other road users at serious risk;
  • 2. Registered in the medical records of their patients could have access to all information and images it receives the request to correct errors contained therein.
  • 3. The patient's right to choose and decide freely receive health services should be respected.
  • 1-3) selection and decision-making about the following:
  • • Choice of doctor and health center service provider in the framework of the regulations;
  • • Select and surveys of the second doctor as a consultant;
  • • Participation or non-participation in any type of research, to ensure that his decision will have no effect on the continuity and health services;
  • 2-3) conditions and making choices include:
  • • The patient must be free and informed choices and decisions based on adequate information and comprehensive (mentioned in the second paragraph) is;
  • • After providing information, sufficient time is given to the patient to decide and choose.
  • 4. Health services must be based on respect for patient privacy (right to privacy) and the principle of privacy.
  • • observe the principle of confidentiality of all patient information is required unless the law are exceptions;
  • • In all phases of patient care, ranging from diagnosis and treatment to privacy must be respected. This is necessary to ensure patient privacy necessary facilities be provided;
  • • Only the patient and the treatment group and
  • And those who are considered punishable by law can have access to information;
  • • The patient has the right to diagnostic procedures such as examinations, have your trusted person. One of the parents accompany children at all stages right of the child unless it would be contrary to medical emergencies.
  • 5. Complaints efficient access to the right patient.
  • • Every patient is entitled to their rights in the event of infringement that is the subject of this Charter, without impairment of quality health services to the competent authorities complain;
  • • Patients have the right to be informed of how to handle complaints and results;
  • • damage caused by the error of address and proof of health service providers should be compensated according to the provisions in the shortest possible time.
  • In the implementation of the Charter if the patient lacks capacity to make decisions for whatever reason, the exercise of all rights set forth in this patient Mnshvr- the legal decision-maker will be replaced. Of course, if you substitute decision-maker, unlike the doctor, patient access to medical treatment, the doctor can appeal through the concerned authorities to make the decision.


  • If the patient who lacks capacity to make decisions, but can be part of the process of rational treatment decisions should be respected her/his decision.